Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Learn the Secrets About Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 99% Of America Doesn’t Know!
If you’ve been told you suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, then this information may be the most important thing you’ve read this year! Why? Because you’re about to discover the truth about carpal tunnel syndrome and why most people will always suffer from it no matter how many MDs they go to or how many surgeries they’ve had. If you suffer from the constant, nagging pains in your wrist, then you need to find out if we can help!
Many Doctors Don’t Have A Clue About Treating YOUR Wrist Pain!
If you’ve been to your family or company doctor complaining about the numbness or tingling in your wrists then chances are your doctor has said something along these lines, “You probably got Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Wear this wrist sprint when your pain starts up, take these pills too…”
Dirty Little Secrets Of Pain Medications, Wrist Braces, And Cortisone Shots…
Taking any pain medication (over the counter or prescription) will never be a cure for getting rid of your wrist pain once and for all! At best, these drugs will only offer 4-6 hours of relief by altering your brain’s ability to feel the pain coming from your wrists. This may be fine for getting you through a days work but taking these pills over and over can put you at risk in 2 ways:
1. Pain is your body’s way to preventing further injury. Take away the pain and you may make your wrist injury worse and your pain greater. And…
2. Taking these drugs can have adverse effects on your kidneys, liver, and stomach lining that is worse than the wrist pain your taking the pills for in the first place.
A cortisone injection sweeps your pain under the rug just like your medications do, and like your medications, it will wear off and your pain will come back probably worse than ever. Wearing a wrist splint may be a temporary solution but if your constant pain reduces you to wearing a splint all day, you can be put at risk of damaging your wrist more by allowing scar tissue to form.
Here’s Why Wrist Surgery Has A High Failure Rate…
If your doctor has suggested you consult a surgeon or if you’ve already had surgery performed on your wrist, there is important information you simply must know! You see, most doctors don’t have the training or experience to detect what it is that is making your wrists hurt. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a blanket term used to describe any number of problems you may be suffering from. If your doctor cannot tell you exactly what’s wrong with you, then any treatment he gives you will never get you out of pain. This is why surgery fails so often for carpal tunnel victims… the surgery is being performed in the wrong place! Worse yet…
You May Not Even Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome!
There are numerous conditions that can make your wrists hurt that have nothing to do with your wrists at all! What if, all along, there was something else wrong with you and your doctor overlooked the hidden spot missed by 99% of the doctors who treat carpal tunnel syndrome? What if all the attention paid on your wrists turned out to be useless? What if there was a way to detect if you suffer from an injury in this hidden spot and could be pain free quickly without drugs or surgery?
To schedule an examination click here and choose the method to contact the office. We will be happy to schedule you for a Carpal Tunnel Syndrome evaluation and find out if we can HELP!!
Dr. Darrell Swolensky
3 E. Ocean Ave.
Henderson, NV 89015
(702) 565-7474
Click here to Contact our Henderson Office