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Preventing Chronic Degenrative Disease

Are You Active Enough to Prevent Chronic Degenerative Disease?

It is well known that a sedentary lifestyle leads to illness. At first we just don’t feel well – not enough energy or stamina, little aches and pains, gaining a little weight. Eventually, these discomforts and inconveniences can turn into something more serious – heart disease, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, digestive problems, and so on. Many Americans exercise regularly to help them stay healthy, but a new study shows that even those who hit the gym a few times a week might not be getting anywhere near the exercise needed to prevent chronic disease.

How much exercise is enough? Generally accepted recommendations are 150 minutes of moderate exercise (e.g. walking at a pace fast enough to raise your heart rate and respiration but not so fast that you can’t carry on a conversation) each week as well as weight lifting or some form of muscle-strengthening activity twice a week. According to the CDC, about 75 percent of Americans do not meet these standards.

Conversely, a sedentary lifestyle is defined as taking less than 5,000 steps a day – that’s the equivalent of walking about 2.5 miles. About 25 percent of Americans fall into this sedentary category.

However, according to a new study, it looks like about 10,000 steps a day (5 miles) is actually needed to maintain good health.

Researchers conducting the study found that the physiological changes seen in those at high risk for Type 2 Diabetes occur in people who transition from high amounts of activity (greater than 10,000 steps a day) to inactivity (fewer than 5,000 steps each day). These same physiological changes could also lead to other chronic disease.

Walking 5 miles is going to take the average person about 1 ½ hours – not something that most of us have time for on a daily basis. So, once we get up to the level of meeting the accepted recommendations, how do we bring our daily activity level up to 10,000 steps?

The answer lies in how we live our lives when we’re not exercising. Here are a few examples:

  • Walk to the corner store instead of driving.
  • Take the stairs, not the elevator.
  • Park further from the store or your place of business.
  • While at work, walk to another office for a meeting rather than calling.
  • Take a short walk during lunch time.
  • Walk the dog.
  • Mow the lawn with a regular lawnmower instead of a riding mower.
  • Rake the leaves.
  • Put on some music and dance.
  • Ditch the remote and get off the couch to change the channel.


In other words, exercising a few times a week at the gym is not enough when you spend most of the rest of your time sitting. You actually have to lead an active life day in and day out.

If you want to live longer and enjoy good health well into your ‘old age’, get up and move around. It’s not guaranteed to cure or prevent all ills, but it will certainly make a major contribution.


Sources: Medical News Today,; The Walking Site,

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457% More Effective for Low Back Pain

Post-operation spinal fusion surgery.
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Low Back Pain:

Chiropractic Adjustments vs. Muscle Relaxants

Chiropractic had a better outcome in 24% of the patients

Outcomes in clinical trials shed light on effectiveness in care. When there are studies that are blinded, or performed without the research patient knowing what is being done is the one of the purest forms of unbiased conclusion. This was one such study and the results confirmed what chiropractic has been saying for over 100 years: it works and with low back pain and better that muscle relaxers that have been prescribed for decades. The goal of this review is to give patients a better chance, with virtually no side effects positive outcomes for low back pain.

To learn more, click on the link below or copy and paste to your Web browser.

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Antibiotics Linked to Anxiety and Depression

The digestive system is a key factor in the health of just about every vital organ, function and system in the body. Digestive processes and biological elements regulate our energy levels, immunity, and nutritional status. A healthy body starts with a healthy gut. But a new study suggests that when our digestive system is out of whack, it’s not just our body that suffers: it also adversely affects our mental and emotional state.

The study, conducted at McMaster University’s Farncombe Family Digestive Health Research Institute and published in the online edition of Gastroenterology, tested the mental and emotional reactions in mice to changes in the bacterial content of the gut.

The gut plays host to about 1,000 trillion bacteria, all of which perform vital functions. These are ‘good’ bacteria. But when the good bacteria is overwhelmed by the bad – as in the case of taking antibiotics, which kills both good and bad bacteria –the gastrointestinal tract ceases to function as it should. As a result, our energy level goes down, nutrients are not absorbed and passed through to the rest of the body, and we become much more susceptible to infection.

According to the new study, an imbalance of bad bacteria to good can also cause anxiety and depression.

To cause the imbalance and overwhelm the good bacteria in the gut, the researchers in the study fed antibiotics to adult mice. The resulting changes in the gut produced an increase in certain factors of the brain that are associated with depression and anxiety, and the mice became noticeably more nervous and aggressive.

When the antibiotics were discontinued, and the balance of good to bad bacteria in the gut was restored, the mice calmed down. Their brain chemistry also returned to normal.

To further test these results, mice with normal bacterial balance – and a passive emotional state – were colonized with bacteria from mice with an imbalance. As a result, they become more aggressive. Researchers also tested in the opposite direction; colonizing mice with an imbalance with the bacteria of those with a healthy balance. This, too, resulted in a change in behavior from aggressive to passive.

“The exciting results provide stimulus for further investigating a microbial component to the causation of behavioral illnesses,” said Stephen Collins, professor of medicine and associate dean research. Premysl Bercik, assistant professor of medicine and one of the researchers, also said that the results justify investigating the therapeutic potential of probiotic bacteria and their products in the treatment of behavioral disorders, particularly those associated with gastrointestinal conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome.

The study also demonstrates the physical and emotional benefits of finding alternative solutions to antibiotics.

Source: Science Daily,

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Does Fat Make You Fat?

I found this and thought is was vital that people realize this very important misconception.

The TRUTH IS EATING FAT DOESN’T MAKE YOU FAT.  It’s the inability to burn fat that makes you fat.  In fact, depriving your body of fat can have detrimental effects to its function.  Your brain, your nervous system, your hormones, and the cells of your body are built from fat.  Therefore, for your body to function at its optimal level, you need to replenish your body with a good source of FAT in your diet.

In the last decade, “low-fat” and “non-fat” or “0 Calories” products have taken over the shelves at the grocery store.  From yogurt to Pringles to soda, people have been  tricked into thinking that if its “low in fat” this will help them lose weight.  In fact, the opposite is true.  Recent research from the Behavioral Neuroscience found that fat substitutes can interfere with the body’s ability to regulate food intake which leads to inefficient use of calories and weight gain!1

Researchers studied rats on a high fat diet versus rats eating “fake-fats” and the results showed that the rats that ate fake-fat Pringles ate more food, put on more weight, and gained more body fat than their counterparts on the high-fat diet that were given only the high-fat Pringles.

Not only does eating a “low-fat” diet deprive your body of essential nutrients, but it doesn’t lead to the weight loss you want.  In 2009, a study showed 645 obese patients who used a low-fat diet had NO CHANGE in waist circumference.2

Don’t get drawn into the trap that man-made and man-altered products are better and healthier for your body than the food that God has provided on this earth.  Just like our bodies, He didn’t create junk, He didn’t create foods with too much fat that need to be altered by man before we eat them.  If a food doesn’t naturally come from the earth, don’t eat it!

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Effective Approach to Resolve Headaches

Headaches & Migraines: Chiropractic vs. Medication; Effectiveness &


In randomized clinical trials, chiropractic was 57% more effective in the reduction of headaches and migraines than drug therapy.

As previously reported in the US Chiropractic Directory, after 8 weeks of randomized clinical trials with chiropractic vs. medication for headache and migraine sufferers, the chiropractic group scored 42% vs. 24% effective for medication. This research indicates that chiropractic is 57% more effective than medication for headaches and migraines. The medical approach has a place in healthcare, but based upon evidenced based outcome studies, research concludes that for headaches and migraines, the path is chiropractic first and drugs second.

See the study here:

If you’re serious about resolving headaches, check out our advanced technologies by calling 565-7474 or visits

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Why Seek Chiropractic Care After a Car Accident

spinal cord.
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Whiplash is most commonly received by passengers in a motor vehicle that is struck from behind by another vehicle. When the head is suddenly “jerked” back and forth (“whipped”) beyond its normal limits, the muscles and ligaments supporting the spine and head can be overstretched or torn. The soft, pulpy discs between spinal bones can bulge, tear or rupture. Vertebrae can be forced out of their normal position causing stiffness, pain and nerve damage. The spinal cord and nerve roots in the neck can become stretched or irritated. This is all possible even with little damage to the vehicle. In fact, research shows that increased “crushing” (as seen with higher-speed impacts) of the vehicle actually absorbs some of the shock of the impact and can lessen injury to the car’s occupants. When “crushing” does not occur (as seen with lower-speed impacts), nearly all of the shock is transferred to the driver and passengers.

Symptoms Associated with Whiplash

Whiplash symptoms may include headache, dizziness, blurred vision, pain in the shoulder, arms or hands, reduced ability to turn and bend, and even low back and leg problems. These symptoms may appear immediately following the accident or as much as 2 weeks after the injury.

The human body will attempt to immobilize injured areas following a trauma. This usually begins with “protective” muscle spasm (as the name implies, the spasm is attempted to prevent further harm by immobilizing damaged joints and muscles). If function is not restored within 4-8 weeks, then scar tissue will be laid down at the site of injury hampering the return to full function. This will eventually lead to increased bone growth with the joint causing joint degeneration. All of this, however, can occur with little to no pain.

A study in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery stated that “…an individual involved in a motor vehicle accident is nearly 7-times more likely to suffer neck degeneration within 7-years of the accident…” than individuals that have not been involved in an auto accident. The goal of chiropractic care is to return the injured joints, muscles and nerves to complete, healthy function thereby reducing this increased risk of degeneration.

Treatment for Whiplash

Since injuries following a motor vehicle accident tend to affect many different tissues, a multi-pronged treatment program is often necessary to achieve full recovery.

Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic Adjustments return joints to their proper motion and position allowing your body to regain its lost function. This often relieves pain caused by inflammation trapped within the joints and reduces strain on tight, fatigued and spasmed muscles. Chiropractic adjustments are also effective in reducing pressure on “pinched” nerves and joint irritation often associated with headaches.

Muscle Therapy

Muscle Therapy following an auto accident is beneficial at reducing the pain associated with muscle spasms and is also effective at preventing muscle inflammation from converting to scar tissue within the muscle (one of the prime contributions to chronic pain following an accident).

Ice and Medications

Ice, anti-inflammatory medications (Advil, Ibuprogen, Motrin, Alleve), painkillers and muscle relaxants can offer short-term relief, but do not address the source of the pain. These methods only mask the symptoms and can sometimes be harmful especially if it allows the injured person to perform activities that should be avoided until significant healing has occurred. Remember: Pain and muscle spasms are both protective responses that attempt to prevent further damage.

Common Problems Associated with Whiplash

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Important After a Car Accident

FIG. 513 – The internal carotid and vertebral ...
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Last year (2010), a study published in the journal European Neurology retrospectively analyzed the data on 500 consecutive patients with whiplash injury/ The authors noted that cervical arterial dissection* can become symptomatic months after a whiplash injury.
*refers to a tear in the inner wall of a major artery in your neck.

In this study, 37.5% occurred between 4 -12 months post whiplash injury.

In this study, the authors found that head-on collisions and rear-end collisions were equally likely to produce a cervical artery dissection; and that low speed collisions were just as likely as higher speed collisions to create a post-traumatic cervical artery dissection.

Most importantly, they found that there is an increased risk of posttraumatic cervical artery dissection within 12 months after whiplash injury by about 400 times compared to the uninjured population.

Car accidents are an important risk factor for arterial dissections. The victims of car accidents should be screened for arterial dissections.

Need more information? Call 565-7474 or visits

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FREE Stress Reduction and IncreaseYour Energy Workshop

FREE STRESS REDUCTION and Increase Your Energy WORKSHOP. New solutions for enjoying a healthier and stressless work and personal life. You are invited to a workshop on May 25th 2011 12:30pm at 858 S. Boulder Hwy by Dr. Darrell Swolensky. Win a FREE $500 wellness gift card! Registration is required and attendance is limited. For more information call: 702-565-7474.
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Silver Fillings Finally Being Regulated

An amalgam used as a restorative material in a...
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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced it will regulate the mercury used in dental amalgam fillings.

Responding to concerns about mercury amalgam pollution in the environment, the pro-mercury American Dental Association (ADA) had lobbied for “voluntary” self-regulation for its members. However, since the ADA’s position (and that of nearly all its more than 155,000 dentist members) is that mercury amalgams pose no environmental threat, self-regulation would have done little or nothing to stop dentists from continuing to dump tons of mercury into our environment.

Mercury released by amalgam-using dentists pollutes our water, our air, and our land, resulting in devastating environmental health effects. According to the EPA, 50 percent of all mercury entering local waste treatment plants comes directly from dental offices, where millions of bits and pieces of amalgam fillings are sent down the drain every year.

But the EPA explained in its announcement about regulating mercury amalgam that once dental mercury enters the environment, “certain microorganisms can change elemental mercury [which comprises about 50% of dental mercury amalgam) into methylmercury, a highly toxic form that builds up in fish, shellfish and animals that eat fish. Fish and shellfish are the main sources of methylmercury exposure to humans. Methylmercury can damage children’s developing brains and nervous systems even before they are born.”

Another problem, say consumer groups against the use of mercury amalgams, is the indiscriminate polluting of the air via crematoria. Tens of thousands of people with mercury fillings are cremated every year, and significant amounts of toxic mercury are released into the atmosphere along with the smoke.

For decades, the EPA maintained what critics called a “midnight deal” with the ADA: a “memorandum of understanding” by which the ADA was actually in charge of environmental safety in dental offices through, for example, the use of devices for trapping dental mercury before it goes down the drain. Under this arrangement, these devices were either woefully inadequate or woefully underused. As a spokesperson for the Consumers for Dental Choice said, it was like putting Colonel Sanders in charge of the chicken coop.

Teamed with other environmental groups to protest the status quo and demand new regulations, the Consumers for Dental Choice, established in 1996 by consumer advocates, mercury poisoning victims, scientists and mercury-free dentists, helped organize a congressional hearing to address the failure of ADA’s voluntary approach and the ever-increasing problem of dental mercury pollution.

As a result of all the efforts taken by numerous groups over the years, the EPA says it finally will propose a rule to regulate dental mercury in 2011. The public can participate by submitting public comments before the rule is finalized in 2012.

Want information about how to combat the effects of mercury? Check out or call (702) 565-7474.

SOURCES: Environmental Protection Agency, September 2010,

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