Effects of Forward Head Posture

As a continuation to previous entries about Foward Head Posture (FHP), I wanted to show how it can affect YOU!

FHP is the most common and most troublesome postural problem that patients present with in my office. As I look around in society, I think it would be a safe bet to say it the most common abnormal posture presentation.

FHP is linked to headaches, TMJ, Neck pain, Low back pain, Fibromyalgia, CTS, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, disc compression, disc herniation, pinched nerves and much more!

In fact, use the following picture from www.certaintypracticeproducts.com to understand what FHP looks like.

FHP has been shown to flatten the normal neck curve, resulting in disc compression, damage and early arthritis. Roentgenographic findings of the cervical spine in asymptomatic people. (Spine, 1986;6:591-694)

Looking for more information? Check out www.nevadachiro.com.

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Forward Head Posture…The Missing Link to Health!

Many people are unaware of the consequences from neglecting the spine. It requires attention. If you lack the proper spinal care, you will pay the price.

Look at just a few of the things that forward head posture creates:

According to Rene Cailliet MD, director of the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at the University of Southern California, forward head posture can add up to 30 pounds of abnormal leverage on the cervical spine. This can pull the entire spine out of alignment. FHP results in loss of vital capacity of the lungs by as much as 30 percent. This shortness of breath can lead to heart and blood vascular disease. The entire gastrointestinal system is affected; particularly the large intestine. Loss of good bowel peristaltic function and evacuation is a common effect of FHP.

It causes an increase in discomfort and pain because proprioceptive signals from the first four cervical vertebrae are a major source of the stimuli which create the body’s pain controlling chemicals (endorphins). With inadequate endorphin production, many otherwise non-painful sensations are experienced as pain. FHP dramatically reduces endorphin production.

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