Henderson Chiropractor
Henderson Chiropractor, Dr Darrell Swolensky practices in the downtown area of Henderson and is close to city hall. It’s commonly referred to as the townsite region.
Your Henderson Chiropractor, incorporates the latest advances in technologies and offers gentle solutions to your problems.
You can preview our different technologies. Click here to see the ProAdjuster, our computerized adjusting technology. Click here to see the herniated, degenerated or bulging disc technology. Click here to see the cold laser technology. Click here to preview our enzyme replacement technology.
Do you suffer from herniated, degenerated, bulging discs, sciatica, pins & needles, numbness or carpal tunnel. Our disc technology and the DRX-9000 treatment may be the solution and you might be able to avoid medications, shots or surgery.
Because so many people don’t like being twisted, turned, snapped, cracked or popped… Our computerized instrument adjusting technology may be just what you’re looking for.
As a result many people prefer our approach because it is more gentle.
Most of all they love how great they feel with our treatments.
So if you’reĀ suffering, call today because you deserve to find out if we can help you!
Call your Henderson Chiropractor today! Call (702) 565-7474.