A Dentist and her Dental assistant
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A recent scientific study confirms that dental sealants used on millions of school children are releasing the potentially dangerous chemical bisphenol A (BPA), the resin used in many kinds of plastics, including some water bottles and metal food can liners.

A growing library of evidence strongly suggests that BPA has harmful health effects, including heart disease and certain cancers, and abnormal brain development in children.

The study, published in the journal Pediatrics, cautions that dental sealants, which are brushed onto teeth to smooth them out and reduce decay, as well as some plastic-based white fillings, do contain precursors for BPA which become BPA after coming in contact with saliva.

BPA-related compounds — such as bis-DMA — leech into the saliva, where they are converted to pure BPA, and can be found up to three hours after the filling was placed, according to the authors.

Although the amount of BPA absorbed and the duration of systemic BPA absorption was not clear from the available data, the study did show that scrubbing and rinsing sealants and fillings immediately after they are applied removes 88 to 95 percent of the compounds that can become BPA, reducing whatever risk there might be.

Nevertheless, Dr. Abby Fleisch of Children‘s Hospital Boston, who led the research, advises caution: “We would recommend avoiding sealants during pregnancy.”

BPA is classified as an endocrine disruptor because of its estrogen-like effects on the body. Such chemicals may cause health problems, but most of the direct evidence regarding BPA comes from animal studies, not human studies.

The study authors were unable to recommend BPA-free brands of dental sealants and composites. Manufacturers are not required to disclose the ingredients in their products, making such choices impossible for dentists and patients.

Manufacturers continue to use compounds that have not been studied for human safety, such as triethylene glycol dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) and urethane dimethacrylate (UDMA), which may or may not pose other risks. The FDA and other government agencies responsible for our health and safety continue to ignore the situation.

In fact, there are tens of thousands of chemicals commonly used in products of every kind and description that have never been tested.

In light of the uncertainties and lack of scientific studies, thoughtful people, particularly parents, might best rely on good old-fashioned frequent brushing to maintain oral health.

SOURCE: Pediatrics, Sept. 2010,

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Solutions for Back and Leg Pain

Stages of Spinal Disc Herniation
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Back and Leg Pain (Lumbar Radiculopathy)  as a Result of Disc Herniation and the Long Term Effect of Chiropractic Care


The term “herniated disc” has been called many things from a slipped disc to a bulging disc. For a doctor who specializes in disc problems, the term is critical because it tells him/her how to create a prognosis and subsequent treatment plan for a patient. To clarify the disc issue, a herniated disc is where a disc tears and the internal material of the disc, called the nucleus pulposis, extends through that tear. It is always results from trauma or an accident. A bulging disc is a degenerative “wear and tear” phenomenon where the internal material or nucleus pulposis does not extend through the disc because there has been no tear, but the walls of the disc have been thinned from degeneration and the internal disc material creates pressure with thinned external walls. The disc itself “spreads out” or bulges.

There are various forms and degrees of disc issues, but the biggest concern of the specialist is whether nerves are being affected that can cause significant pain or other problems. The problem exists when the disc, as a result of a herniation or bulge, is touching or compressing those neurological elements, which is comprised of either the spinal cord, the nerve root (a nerve the extends from the spinal cord) or the covering of the nerves, called the thecal sac.

With regard to the structure that we have just discussed, the doctor must wonder what the herniation of the neurological element has caused. In this scenario, there are 2 possible problems, the spinal cord and nerve root. If the disc has compromised the spinal cord, it is called a myelopathy (my-e-lo-pathy). You have a compression of the spinal cord and problems with your arms or legs. An immediate visit to the neurosurgeon is warranted for a surgical consultation. The second problem is when the disc is effecting the spinal nerve root, called a radiculopathy. It is a very common problem. A doctor of chiropractic experienced in treating radiculopathy has to determine if there is enough room between the disc and the nerve in order to determine if a surgical consultation is warranted or if he/she can safely treat you. This is done by a thorough clinical examination and in many cases, an MRI is required to make a final diagnosis. Most patients do not need a surgical consultation and can be safely treated by an experienced chiropractor.

While herniations can occur anywhere, it was reported in the US Chiropractic Directory in 2010 that 95% occur in the lower back, who stated “The highest prevalence of herniated lumbar discs is among people aged 30–50 years, with a male to female ratio of 2:1. In people aged 25–55 years, about 95% of herniated discs occur at the lower lumbar spine (L4/5 and L5/S1 level); disc herniation above this level is more common in people aged over 55 years.”

It was reported by Aspegren et al. (2009) that 80% of the chiropractic patients studied with both neck and low back (cervical and lumbar) disc herniations had a good clinical outcome with post-care visual analog scores under 2 [0 to 10 with 0 being no pain and 10 being the worst pain imaginable] and resolution of abnormal clinical examination findings. Anatomically, after repeat MRI scans, 63% of the patients studied revealed a reduced size or completely resorbed disc herniation. A study by Murphy, Hurwitz, and McGovern (2009) focused only on low back (lumbar) disc herniations and concluded that, “Nearly 90% of patients reported their outcome to be either ‘excellent’ or ‘good’…clinically meaningful improvement in pain intensity was seen in 74% of patients (p. 729).” The researchers also concluded that the improvements from chiropractic care was maintained for 14 1/2 months, the length of the study, indicating this isn’t a temporary, but a long-term solution. It was reported by BenEliyahu (1996) that 78% percent of the low back-lumbar disc herniation patients were able to return to work in their pre-disability occupations, which is the result of the 90% of all low back-lumbar disc herniation patients getting better with chiropractic care as discussed above.

These are the reasons that chiropractic has been, and needs to be, considered for the primary care for low back-lumbar disc herniations with resultant pain in the back or legs. This study along with many others concludes that a drug-free approach of chiropractic care is one of the best solutions for herniated discs and low back or leg pain. To find a qualified doctor of chiropractic near you go to the US Chiropractic Directory at and search your state.


2. Aspegren, D., Enebo, B. A., Miller, M., White, L., Akuthota, V., Hyde, T. E., & Cox, J. M. (2009). Functional scores and subjective responses of injured workers with back or neck pain treated with chiropractic care in an integrative program: A retrospective analysis of 100 cases. Journal Manipulative Physiological Therapy 32(9), 765-771.
3. BenEliyahu, D. J. (1996). Magnetic resonance imaging and clinical follow-up: Study of 27 patients receiving chiropractic care for cervical and lumbar disc herniations. Journal Manipulative Physiological Therapy, 19(9), 597-606.
4. Murphy, D. R., Hurwitz, E. L., & McGovern, E. E. (2009). A nonsurgical approach to the management of patients with lumbar radiculopathy secondary to herniated disk: A prospective observational cohort study with follow-up. Journal Manipulative Physiological Therapy, (32)9, 723-733.

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Effects of Forward Head Posture

As a continuation to previous entries about Foward Head Posture (FHP), I wanted to show how it can affect YOU!

FHP is the most common and most troublesome postural problem that patients present with in my office. As I look around in society, I think it would be a safe bet to say it the most common abnormal posture presentation.

FHP is linked to headaches, TMJ, Neck pain, Low back pain, Fibromyalgia, CTS, Thoracic Outlet Syndrome, disc compression, disc herniation, pinched nerves and much more!

In fact, use the following picture from to understand what FHP looks like.

FHP has been shown to flatten the normal neck curve, resulting in disc compression, damage and early arthritis. Roentgenographic findings of the cervical spine in asymptomatic people. (Spine, 1986;6:591-694)

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Forward Head Posture Facts

spinal cord.
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As a continuation of forward head posture theme, I wanted to share a couple of other vital research tibits you need to be aware of:

1. “For every inch of forward head posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” (Kapandji, Physiology of the Joints, Volume 3)

2. “Loss of the cervical curve stretches the spinal cord 5-7 cm and causes disease.” (Dr. Alf Breig, neurosurgeon and Nobel Prize recipient)

I regularly see patients come in the door with 3-4 inches of forward head posture and they don’t even realize it. They are walking around carrying an average of 30-40lbs of additional head weight.

Equally disturbing is that 5-7cm equals 2-3 inches. Imagine stretching the spinal cord 2 inches. It is devastating situation. The impact of that stretch primarily occurs at C1, which has a control effect on the entire body.

That is how a seemingly simply thing such as forward head posture can have an effect on your entire health.

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Do You Know the Importance of Spinal Alignment

Many people are completely unaware of the importance of spinal alignment. As a result, alignment problems affect what would normally be thought of as unrelated problems. But there is so much more to the story.

Did you know this vital point? 90% of the stimulation and nutrition to the brain is generated by the movement of the spine,” says Dr. Roger Sperry, Nobel Prize recipient for brain research.

Dr. Sperry demonstrated that 90 percent of the energy output of the brain is used in relating the physical body to gravity. Only 10 percent has to do with thinking, metabolism, and healing, so when you have forward head posture, your brain will rob energy from your thinking, metabolism, and immune function to deal with abnormal gravity/posture relationships and processing.

So what is normal spinal alignment? When you look at the front of a person there shoulders and hips should be level. There should be a lordotic (to the front) curve in the neck and low back. If these are present forward head posture will be present and problems will develop.

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Why I Don’t Suffer with Headaches Anymore!

Check out this testimonial that we just received today.

My daughter has been raving about Dr. Swolensky since see started seeing him. I have suffered with headaches as long as I could remember. They were so bad it would make me feel extremely ill.

I can’t believe it, but I feel great.

I noticed relief after the first adjustment, but by the second treatment, the headaches were gone!

The office is friendly, welcoming and extremely knowledgeable. Dr. Swolensky you are very helpful and in the office we are people and not numbers. Thank you!

You could be the next person to experience the very same results she did. What are you waiting for. Check out and let this be the first day of a new life.

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Can Poor Sleep Make Fibromyalgia Worse?

Nearly one-third of Americans are sleep deprived, according to a recent study. Results show that getting less than 6.9 hours of sleep each night takes a more extreme toll on the body than most people realize.

Inadequate amounts of sleep affects memory, according to a recent study conducted at Harvard University. Without enough sleep, newly-acquired skills and information are not properly coded in the brain, making it difficult to remember.

Sleep deprivation also decreases the ability of the immune system to fight off illness and disease. Reports show that just losing three hours of sleep causes a 30% decrease in immune system response. This lack of response suppresses melatonin, which contributes to breast cancer; a growth hormone produced during sleep is impaired, which contributes to osteoporosis; insulin resistance and impaired glucose processing, can lead to diabetes, and excess insulin and stored fat, leads to obesity.

While some people choose to give up some of the necessary hours of sleep, others are simply unable to sleep.

Factors that contribute to insomnia are lack of exercise, poor diet, excessive alcohol or caffeine; medical conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression, hypothyroidism, and over-active bladders; medications, such as antidepressants, pain killers, allergy drugs and various hormones; natural conditions, such as PMS and menopause; and various health disorders.
Many of these factors can be treated with Chiropractic. If you suffer from any of the above conditions or are having difficulty sleeping, see your Chiropractor.

For more information, check out

SOURCE: “Most Americans aren’t getting enough shut-eye,” MpHealth News, March 2001, Vol. 4

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Do You This ABout Your Health?

Many people answer this question, “good health is feeling good”.  This is nice, but it has very little to do with having good health.

What is Health?  There is so much more to being healthy than how you feel!  The World Health Organization defines health as: Health is a state of optimal physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.  Webster’s defines health as: Health is a state of wholeness in which all organs are functioning 100%, 100% of the time.  Health is not just how you feel, it’s how you are functioning.  Thousands of Americans die of heart attacks each and every year and the heart attack is the first sign of disease.  You can’t wait until symptoms show up before you decide to act.

Symptoms are a poor barometer of health and usually show up late in the disease process.  Would you rather choose a lifestyle of wellness so your body functions at an optimal level or live the typical American lifestyle and unknowingly allow various diseases progress to a level of crisis before you seek action?

Where does health come from?  Health comes from within.  Your body has the inborn ability to heal itself naturally.  You were born to be healthy.  The catch is, in order for your body to be able to heal itself it must be free from interference in the nervous system.  The nervous system controls the function of every cell, tissue, organ, and system in your body.  The number one cause of interference to the nerve system in science today is the vertebral subluxation.

Creating Wellness!  Wellness is the process of attaining health, happiness, and vitality, allowing you to live your life to its fullest potential.  My wish to you is to live your life to its fullest and improve the quality of your life by creating wellness naturally.

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Heart Disease and Wellness Chiropractic?

Are your subluxations causing you an early demise?

A 1995 study indicated that unbalanced activation of the cardiac sympathetic nerves plays a crucial role in the development of sudden cardiac death. If you are concerned about yourself or a family member suffering a heart problem, call our office and find out more about heart disease and how we can help. At our office, we have computerized tools (Thermal-scan) that can assess how well your sympathetic nerves are functioning. Do you know how well your sympathetic nerves are functioning? Your life may depend on it!

Dr.’s Jarmel and Zatkin showed that mechanical irritation of the upper thoracic vertebral joints (the vertebrae between your shoulders) may create a source of unbalanced cardiac sympathetic nerve activity. The results of their study with patients who had dysrythmic cardiac abnormalities showed significant, enhanced cardiac balance following just one month of chiropractic care. A positive trend was also noted in ventricular beats, ST segment events, and maximum time of ST depression and elimination of after-depolarizations. In another study in 1997, researchers determined that there was a relationship between respiratory and cardiovascular function and spinal integrity. In a 1992 case study, the impact of chiropractic care on established cardiac risk factors, subjects’ total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein (HDL), and cardiac risk factor (CRF) was monitored over a one to three year period. The purpose of this study was to relate the possible effects of regular chiropractic care to changes in lipid metabolism in a group of subjects exposed to a stressful environment. The results were profound; all of the subjects studied obtained marked reductions in their cardiac risk factor during the duration of the study.

Chiropractors have been helping heart problems since 1895!

Shortly after Dr. Palmer’s first chiropractic case of restoring hearing to a deaf man, he came across a patient with heart troubles which were not improving. “I examined the spine and found a displaced vertebrae pressing against the nerves which innervate the heart. I adjusted the vertebra and gave immediate relief nothing accidental’ or crude’ about this. Then, I began to reason that if two diseases so dissimilar as deafness and heart trouble came from impingement, a pressure on nerves, were not other diseases due to similar cause? D.D. Palmer. Thus the science and art of chiropractic were formed. The beginning of a new era of health care was born, a system to investigate the cause of dis-ease and to care for the cause, not the symptom. This system was based on a wellness approach that allowed our bodies to heal naturally without the use of drugs or surgeries.

Wellness Chiropractic has always been about restoring health and wellness to the body not treating back or neck pain.

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Researchers in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, have found that vitamin B3 is a potent treatment for drug-resistant fungal infections that can attack people with compromised immune systems which can then lead to illness and even death.

Fungal infections such as Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus have become resistant to current drug treatments, yet are found almost everywhere. Patients with compromised immune systems, such those with diabetes, HIV infection, or who are undergoing chemotherapy or organ transplants, are the usual victims of difficult-to-treat fungal infections.

Researchers at the Institute for Research in Immunology and Cancer (IRIC) of the University of Montreal found that Vitamin B3, in the form of nicotinamide, strongly reduced both normal and drug-resistant strains of Candida albicans virulence in mice. Nicotinamide also prevented the growth of other pathogenic Candida species and Aspergillus fumigatus.

A professor at the University of Montreal Department of Biochemistry explained that the need to develop new therapies to kill Candida albicans is urgent, because it has become one of the leading causes of often fatal hospital-acquired infections.

Candida albicans, although present in the body under normal conditions, is an opportunistic infection that takes over when immunity becomes compromised. When this yeast infection enters the bloodstream it can lead to death.

According to a book review in the New England Journal of Medicine, “Aspergillus fumigatus and Aspergillosis…” (the name of an Aspergillus infection) “…has emerged as one of the most common and most feared opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients.”

Finding that vitamin B3 might effectively treat drug resistant fungal infections is seen as a much-needed breakthrough because it has fewer side effects for patients than currently used drugs.

SOURCES: Nature Medicine, July, 2010,

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