Effective Approach to Resolve Headaches

Headaches & Migraines: Chiropractic vs. Medication; Effectiveness &


In randomized clinical trials, chiropractic was 57% more effective in the reduction of headaches and migraines than drug therapy.

As previously reported in the US Chiropractic Directory, after 8 weeks of randomized clinical trials with chiropractic vs. medication for headache and migraine sufferers, the chiropractic group scored 42% vs. 24% effective for medication. This research indicates that chiropractic is 57% more effective than medication for headaches and migraines. The medical approach has a place in healthcare, but based upon evidenced based outcome studies, research concludes that for headaches and migraines, the path is chiropractic first and drugs second.

See the study here:


If you’re serious about resolving headaches, check out our advanced technologies by calling 565-7474 or visits w.ww.nevadachiro.com.

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Do You Have Any of these Problems?

  1. History of lactose intolerance or gluten intolerance
  2. Craving or thirst for cold liquids or foods
  3. Intolerance of dairy products, grains, or sugar
  4. Sensitive to air pollutants (i.e., perfumes, smoke)
  5. Discomfort or soreness under the left rib cage after eating

They are consistent with carbohydrate digestive problems.

It has several causes, all concerned with digestion, particularly in the duodenum and jejunum. Irritation can be caused by any digestive disturbance and may include the liver and biliary system and especially the pancreas.

If you are interested in solutions to these problems go to www.nevadachiro.com or call (702) 565-7474 for more information.

As an additional resource, go here www.nevadachiro.com/Nutrition.html.

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