Take TV off the Menu
Presented by Dr. Darrell Swolensky
Dr. Darrell Swolensky, Chiropractic Clinics of Nevada (702) 565-7474
3 E. Ocean Avenue, Henderson, NV 89015 www.nevadachiro.com
Dr. Swolensky understands that today’s hectic lifestyles have made the dining room table virtually obsolete. The cost isn’t just sacrificed family time, however. It’s sacrificed health. And that’s something Dr. Swolensky finds increasingly alarming. Get the Most From Your Meals
Dr. Swolensky is committed to helping patients adopt the chiropractic lifestyle, a philosophy that focuses on preventing health concerns before they occur. One of the best ways to accomplish
this is through proper nutrition— something that’s virtually impossible to attain with the “junk food” and “fast food” diet associated with watching television while eating.