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Last year (2010), a study published in the journal European Neurology retrospectively analyzed the data on 500 consecutive patients with whiplashinjury/ The authors noted that cervical arterial dissection* can become symptomatic months after a whiplash injury. *refers to a tear in the inner wall of a major artery in your neck.
In this study, 37.5% occurred between 4 -12 months post whiplash injury.
In this study, the authors found that head-on collisions and rear-end collisions were equally likely to produce a cervical artery dissection; and that low speed collisions were just as likely as higher speed collisions to create a post-traumatic cervical artery dissection.
Most importantly, they found that there is an increased risk of posttraumatic cervical artery dissection within 12 months after whiplash injury by about 400 times compared to the uninjured population.
Car accidents are an important risk factor for arterial dissections. The victims of car accidents should be screened for arterial dissections.
Responding to concerns about mercury amalgam pollution in the environment, the pro-mercury American Dental Association (ADA) had lobbied for “voluntary” self-regulation for its members. However, since the ADA’s position (and that of nearly all its more than 155,000 dentist members) is that mercury amalgams pose no environmental threat, self-regulation would have done little or nothing to stop dentists from continuing to dump tons of mercury into our environment.
Mercury released by amalgam-using dentists pollutes our water, our air, and our land, resulting in devastating environmental health effects. According to the EPA, 50 percent of all mercury entering local waste treatment plants comes directly from dental offices, where millions of bits and pieces of amalgam fillings are sent down the drain every year.
But the EPA explained in its announcement about regulating mercury amalgam that once dental mercury enters the environment, “certain microorganisms can change elemental mercury [which comprises about 50% of dental mercury amalgam) into methylmercury, a highly toxic form that builds up in fish, shellfish and animals that eat fish. Fish and shellfish are the main sources of methylmercury exposure to humans. Methylmercury can damage children’s developing brains and nervous systems even before they are born.”
Another problem, say consumer groups against the use of mercury amalgams, is the indiscriminate polluting of the air via crematoria. Tens of thousands of people with mercury fillings are cremated every year, and significant amounts of toxic mercury are released into the atmosphere along with the smoke.
For decades, the EPA maintained what critics called a “midnight deal” with the ADA: a “memorandum of understanding” by which the ADA was actually in charge of environmental safety in dental offices through, for example, the use of devices for trapping dental mercury before it goes down the drain. Under this arrangement, these devices were either woefully inadequate or woefully underused. As a spokesperson for the Consumers for Dental Choice said, it was like putting Colonel Sanders in charge of the chicken coop.
Teamed with other environmental groups to protest the status quo and demand new regulations, the Consumers for Dental Choice, established in 1996 by consumer advocates, mercury poisoning victims, scientists and mercury-free dentists, helped organize a congressional hearing to address the failure of ADA’s voluntary approach and the ever-increasing problem of dental mercury pollution.
As a result of all the efforts taken by numerous groups over the years, the EPA says it finally will propose a rule to regulate dental mercury in 2011. The public can participate by submitting public comments before the rule is finalized in 2012.
Want information about how to combat the effects of mercury? Check out or call (702) 565-7474.
Nearly 90 Californiahospitals – more than 20 percent of 418 hospitals in the state required by law to report medical errors – have gone more than three years without reporting any errors at all, says the California Department of Public Health.
Considering the fact that a recent report in the Journal of the American Medical Association found no change in patient harm error rates over the past decade, it is pretty hard to believe these hospitals are error-free.
Health officials in the state apparently agree, and have instituted investigations into the 87 hospitals apparently claiming no significant mistakes in patient care. They are calling for immediate clarifications – either confirmation that the hospital is indeed error free, or full disclosures and reports of errors.
According to a report in the Los Angeles Times, patient advocates are saying the lack of reports is an indication that hospitals are unwilling to police themselves.
A spokesperson for the Santa Monica-based advocacy group Consumer Watchdog told the newspaper it is “almost inconceivable” that so many hospitals have been error-free for three years.
State Sen. Elaine Alquist (D-Santa Clara), who wrote the medical error law, told the LA Times she was concerned that errors are going unreported. “What are the chances that nearly a quarter of California’s hospitals didn’t have a single medication, surgical or safety error since the reporting requirement became law?” she asked.
California’s law governing error reporting lists 28 medical errors that hospitals must report. These are the types of errors that typically place patients at risk of death or serious injury. After investigating each error, the Health Department can levy fines of $50,000 for the first incident, $75,000 for the second and $100,000 for the third or subsequent error.
But even more money could potentially change hands. Hospitals have five days to file an error report, after which the state can levy up to $100 a day for each day the hospital fails to report. We are looking at three years of failing to report, which could add up to even more money the hospitals could have to find. That’s not an easy thing to do in the health care field, even in the best of times, and these are far from the best times.
Are you ready for holistic care? Check out or call (702) 565-7474.
These are the words many of us have heard growing up. Most of us hated to hear this, but complied with her instructions having no understanding of the anatomical and biomechanical reasoning behind her persistent prodding. As a matter of fact, she probably wasn’t aware of the true implications of poor posture! But without understanding, your mother always seemed to know best.
So what is good posture anyway and why is it so critically important? Posture refers to the body’s alignment and positioning in relation to gravity. Whether standing, sitting or lying down, gravity exerts a force on our spine, bones, joints, ligaments and muscles. Good posture leads to accurate distribution of the force of gravity through our body to prevent overstressing of these parts.
When an architect designs a building he has to take these same laws of gravity and weight distribution into account. Similarly to the body, a building with a poor foundation is less resistant to strains and stresses. Think of the Tower of Pisa. Our bodies experience these strains and stresses over the months, years and decades of life.
When I look at someone’s posture, I’m concerned with the alignment of the spine with the individual standing. I have them close their eyes and turn the head left and right, then return to what they think is center. Having the eyes closed is important because this reduces neurologic information from the bodies righting reflexes. Ideally the shoulders and hips should be level and the head not turned. From a side view the neck should have a forward “C” curve with the ear hole over the mid-shoulder. A backward “C” in the mid-back. Lastly, the low back should have a forward “C” curve. The ideal alignment maintains balance to the spine and its associated structures. Without this alignment abnormal pressure is exerted on the spine, intervertebral discs, ligament, tendons and muscles.
The consequences of improper alignment is osteoarthritis, the most common form of arthritis, disc herniation, chronic muscle problems, numbness and tingling and many other conditions. All of these conditions take time to develop. As an example, it typically takes 7-10 years for the arthritis to be visible on x-rays.
So how do you check for proper alignment? My best recommendation is make an appointment with an office that is expert in the detection and correction of these problems. Additionally, seek the professional who has a track record of correct improper alignment. Our office has been successfully helping these types of problems for well over a decade. Regular check-ups are also critically because you will not typically feel it when these problems begin.
Henderson NV chiropractor, Dr. Darrell Swolensky has been practicing in Nevada for more than 13 years. He focuses on spinal correction to reduce, eliminate and prevent the recurrence of pain and symptoms with a series of state of the art technologies. He can be reached at (702) 565-7474 or on the web at
In June of 2010, the U.S. government recalled 12 million promotional drinking glasses at a fast food restaurant. The glasses contained cadmium — a toxic chemical that can cause a list of very nasty and dangerous conditions including:
Cadmium serves no purpose in the human body, is toxic at very low levels, and once it gets in there, it’s hard to get rid. But it’s great for making those vivid images on the cups kids clamor for, even collect, in some fast food restaurants.
Cadmium is just one of the many toxic chemicals our kids are exposed to every day. Lead is another one. You would think we would have gotten rid of lead in kids’ products long ago, but the U.S. government has recalled more than 17 millions toys containing high levels of lead in just the last three years.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission also banned the use of phthalates — the chemicals used to make hard plastic pliable — in kids’ products in 2008. Some phthalates are banned, others are still under investigation and still being used. They, too, may be banned.
However, the wheels of government regulation turn slowly. And if 12 million cups and 17 millions toys can get out there, we each need to take action to prevent exposure.
To be safe, avail yourself of the many manufacturers that guarantee their products do not contain toxic chemicals. Give your kids a healthy start in life.
As an athlete, your regimen probably consists of the usual exercises: cardiovascular endurance, strength training, aerobic conditioning, etc. But while these workouts may aid in improving your overall performance, a new study has shown that athletes are overlooking a vital component of a successful training regimen: maintaining excellent posture.
A 2004 study conducted by the American Medical Athletic Association (AMAA; concluded that athletes who want to optimize their performance should focus on their posture. The study reported that “postural repositioning exercises, breathing exercises, gluteal, hamstring and abdominal/oblique exercises alone can provide for improved…performance as a result of improved posture.” The study also concluded that improved posture can alleviate aches and pains, as well as prevent common sports injuries.
So why does good posture play such an important role in how well you’ll run during the big marathon, football game or at your next tennis match? Simple: it’s because improper application of pressure on your spine, joints, muscles and nerves can all contribute to a less-than-optimal athletic performance.
Think about it in terms of a car. No matter how much top-notch oil you pour into it, or how powerful the engine is, if the fundamental mechanics of the car aren’t properly aligned or working, you won’t get the maximum performance out of the car. The human body functions in the same way: even if your diet and exercise routines are highly optimized for an Olympic outcome, you won’t get the expected results if your body has been strained by poor posture.
So what exercises can you do to improve your posture?
Experts recommend that all athletes include yoga and meditative practices in their training regimen as a way of strengthening key muscles and joints. While yoga teaches how to find and maintain excellent posture, meditative sessions can reinforce proper breathing techniques, which can also relieve strain on muscles and joints. Try this simple exercise, known as “belly breathing”: breathe in through the nose and into the diaphragm for a count of five, and then exhale by “sighing” for a count of seven. By using this breathing technique, athletes will not only relieve stress to the ribs, shoulders and backs – this type of breathing also requires less energy to use. And as any athlete knows, less energy expelled on breathing means better performances.
Many athletes may require more assistance with corrective posture to enhance their athletic performance, which is where our combination of physical rehabilitation and chiropractic services help. At an initial consultation, the athlete’s overall balance, structure and tension will be assessed to determine the root cause of poor posture. Once the mechanical or structural problem has been identified, a custom program will be developed to help the athlete correct the imbalance and regain full range of athletic ability and performance.
When considering treatment for correcting posture related problems and enhancing athletic performance, our clinics in Henderson NV comes highly recommended by physicians in Clark County. Feel free to contact us for a Sports Performance Evaluation, by calling us at (702) 565-7474 or at
Prescribing antibiotics for children with ear infections is not much better than no antibiotics at all, says a new study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association, and runs the risk of unwanted reactions and side effects.
For every 100 children with ear infections, the study says, 80 of them would get better in three days without antibiotics. And if all 100 children received antibiotics, only 12 more would improve, but as many as 10 would get a rash and 10 more would develop diarrhea.
Infections of the middle ear in children, technically called acute otitis media (AOM), is the most common condition – as many as 20 million doctor visits annually – for which antibiotics are prescribed for children in the U.S.
Researchers from Mattel Children’s Hospital at UCLA and the RAND Corporation pooled the results of 135 scientifically rigorous clinical trials related to childhood ear infections to contribute to new guidelines to be issued by the American Academy of Pediatrics. The study found a wide variation in diagnostic and treatment approaches across the country, reinforcing the need for new standards and best practices.
Both the pediatricians and the American Academy of Family Physicians have advised for several years that a short wait-and-see period is a valid approach for treating ear infections in otherwise healthy children between the ages of 2 and 12. Parents should watch for symptoms of worsening, such as fever and ear pain. Baby aspirin to treat pain and fever is often all that is required.
Because of stories of ear infections leading to perforated eardrums or mastoiditis (infection of the bone behind the ear), or just wanting to get their child back into daycare or school, too many parents demand antibiotics; doctors, unfortunately, are too often willing to oblige.
Even though many people today are becoming aware of the dangers of overprescribing or misusing antibiotics, more effort should be made to educate all parents. The prescribing physician, with the parent and child right there in the examination room, has the best opportunity to do so.
Parents also need to learn that, if they are going to use antibiotics, stopping them before the full course is done, regardless of side effects such as rash or diarrhea, can lengthen the time and seriousness of infection and lead to the formation of dangerous antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Instead of stopping, parents should immediately call the doctor to see about alternative medication.
A safe and effective alternative to antibiotics for ear infections is a Chiropractic adjustment to correct cervical and spinal misalignments related to the ear. Chiropractic care during the wait-and-see period can help speed the natural healing process, while avoiding unwanted drug side effects.
SOURCE: Journal of the American Medical Association, Nov. 17, 2010
Discomfort or soreness under the left rib cage after eating
They are consistent with carbohydrate digestive problems.
It has several causes, all concerned with digestion, particularly in the duodenum and jejunum. Irritation can be caused by any digestive disturbance and may include the liver and biliary system and especially the pancreas.
If you are interested in solutions to these problems go to or call (702) 565-7474 for more information.
In patients suffering from chronic pain subsequent to degenerative spinal disease, 59% can eliminate the need for pain drugs by consuming adequate levels of omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Surgical Neurology, 2006
For more information contact us at or call (702) 565-7474.