One Cause… One Cure!

This is a simple wellness principle. There is one cause of disease and there is only one cure. In a health state, our body has the ability to adapt to the environmental stresses that we place upon it. It is our ability to adapt to environmental stresses and maintain homeostasis that keeps us healthy. When we lose the ability to adapt and maintain homeostasis, we lose our health. When that state is allowed to persist, we become diseased. The cause of all disease is the failure of our body to adapt to our environment. The key words are “our body.” This is an inside job. It’s the failure of our body to do the job it was born to do. Micro-organisms are constantly around us, but they only infect us when our natural resistance is lowered and our body can’t properly respond to the threat. It’s our body’s lack of function, not the bug, which makes us sick.

Our body is a self-healing organism. It has the ability to heal and maintain homeostasis naturally from within, as long as there is no interference to its function. What is the one cure to all disease? It is our body’s innate healing potential. The solution to health comes from within the body not from outside agents like medications and surgeries. Health and healing come from the inside as long as there is no interference to our innate healing potential. The real doctor is inside. The real healing comes from inside, from the innate healing powers nature has provided from each and everyone of us.

Andrew Weil, M.D. states, “Healing comes from inside, not outside. Healing can’t be prevented from occurring, nor can it be obtained from anyone or anything external. You are born with the power to heal because healing is an innate capacity of every person.”

Nerve interference directly interferes with our innate healing potential. It decreases our immune function and lowers our body’s resistance to infection and disease. When nerve interference is removed, your innate healing potential is restored.

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